(via Leafly courtesy of Rick Simpson)
If you are a medical cannabis patient researching the benefits of medicating, it’s likely you have stumbled across an article or two about Rick Simpson Oil also referred to as RSO. RSO is an ultra-concentrated cannabis oil that uses alcohol as its solvent. Many advocates believe it has powerful health benefits for a variety of conditions but is most often linked to the treatment of cancer. Rick Simpson’s official website, Phoenix Tears, refers to RSO as “Extremely potent decarboxylated extracts produced from strong sedative Indica strains, which have THC levels in the 90% range. This harmless non-addictive natural medication can be used with great success, to cure or control cancer, MS, pain, diabetes, arthritis, asthma, infections, inflammations, blood pressure, depression, sleeping problems, and just about any other medical issues that one can imagine.[i]”
Rick Simpson became famous in the cannabis world by accident. In 1997 he was working in a Canadian hospital as an engineer. While covering asbestos on the hospital’s pipes with potent aerosol glue, the toxic fumes caused Simpson to collapse off his ladder, hit his head. He became unconscious and had to go to an emergency room. For years after the injury, he continued to suffer from dizzy spells and a ringing in his ears. Traditional medication prescribed by his doctors did not provide relief and he found they made things worse. After watching a documentary about the positive effects of medical cannabis, Rick Simpson was inspired to begin smoking cannabis and as a result, he noticed that the ringing in his ears subsided. Simpson inquired about medical marijuana, but his doctor refused to consider it and dismissed the notion that marijuana was the reason for his improvement [ii].
Five years later, he noticed three suspicious-looking bumps on his arm. After consulting a doctor, the doctor agreed that the bumps appeared to be cancerous and ordered a biopsy. The bumps turned out to be basal cell carcinoma, a form of skin cancer. Since Simpson found success treating symptoms in the past with cannabis, he decided to treat his skin cancer topically, applying ultra-concentrated cannabis oil to a bandage and leaving the cancerous bumps covered. After four days, he removed the bandages and the growths had disappeared [iii]. After this, Simpson was a true believer of medical cannabis and began cultivating his own cannabis concentrate, known as Rick Simpson oil. Rick Simpson wanted to share his knowledge of what he calls “Nature’s Answer to Cancer” with the world, so he has continued to report his findings publicly and decided to share his secret recipe with the world.
Health for Life of Arizona strongly encourages you to consult with your doctor for all your medical ailments. We provide various types of high-quality medical products derived from cannabis, including CBD and THC. We also have Rick Simpson Oil. While Rick Simpson encourages patients to make their own RSO [iv], if you are lucky enough to be an Arizona medical cannabis patient in the Mesa or Phoenix area, you can purchase RSO directly from our locations. RSO can be used effectively to treat many ailments. , Our staff is ready to speak with you about its medicinal properties and is available for a consultation to help you choose whether RSO or one of the various other types of cannabis is right for you.
(i) http://phoenixtears.ca/phoenix-tears-the-rick-simpson-story/(iii) https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/what-is-rick-simpson-oil(iii)https://www.leafly.com/news/cannabis-101/what-is-rick-simpson-oil
(iv) http://phoenixtears.ca/producing-the-oil/